A game of sexy suggestions and exciting encounters. Read more.
A fun game for lovers promising exciting encounters and romantic inspirations. With 90 innovative ideas, sexy suggestions, and adventurous activities, You & Me is a game where the taking part really is almost as good as winning!
Roll the dice to see who will enjoy the intimate attentions of their lover as their perform one of the many passionate pleasures prescribed by the cards. But there's a teasing twist: the player giving the pleasure is the one who wins the points, so it may be better to give than to receive! The ultimate prize is awarded to the first player to reach thirty points who can then reset the balance by receiving a romantic or sexual favor of their choice!
So think hard before you choose who you want it to be — will it be you or will it be me?
Game includes 45 forfeit cards for each player, 4 special cards for each player, one joker for each player, 1 die, and 1 sand timer.